Create an e-Book of your Blog Posts for Offline Reading ( Latest Computer Hacking Tips )

Creating an e-book of your blog posts: :Writting is an essential part of blogging.How will you define blogging? According to me, blogging is nothing but a systematic and sequential order of writing online continously over a period of time.You call these contents as Post.Users read your posts online with ease but for online reading an active internet connection is necessary.In absense of active internet connection, it would be difficult for them to read your post.Then what is the solution of this problem? It would have been really great,if the same posts can be reaid offline.Don’t you think so?

Now it is also not impossible.It means you can easily create an eBook of your blog posts.Just distribute this ebook among your readers by providing a download link of the same.Today I am going to tell you about the simplest method to an e-Book for your blog post.Just check the whole content and enjoy.

Now a days,most popular blogging platform is either Blogger or WordPress.You can create e-Book of both blogger and wordpress blog posts with ease.Just follow the below given procedure.

Simply visit Blog2Book and Click on “Start Now ” button

Blog2Pothi Create an e Book of your Blog Posts for Offline Reading  

Now You will have to enter your Blog Address and your blogging platform i.e Blogger or WordPress.In the same screen, you will have to choose the number of Posts,you want to add to your e-Book(max 100 supported) or by Date range(maximum 1 year supported).Now after choosing these options,click on “Get the Post” e Book 1024x449 Create an e Book of your Blog Posts for Offline Reading 

Important Note :: You can create an e-Book of  of any Blog on the internet but it is recommended not to do this for a Blog,which you don’t run.If you are interested in doing that then you should at least ask the blog owner first.If you don’t have administrative rights and access to a particular blog,then you would not be able to add full content in your e-Book.You will get the following message in that case. 

 Create an e Book of your Blog Posts for Offline Reading 

Now just wait for sometimes while it add your blog posts.You would be able to see your most recent blog posts there.Now customization part comes into play.You can select the post you want in your e-book and similary uncheck the one which you think will be useless.When you think that,you are done, simply click on “Continue” button. 

Blog Post to e Book customization1 1024x496 Create an e Book of your Blog Posts for Offline Reading 

You can add more customization.Write at least Title,Sub Title and the Name of Author.However there is also an option to add Description and Preface at the bottom.Just click on “Create my Book” and that’s it.It will take some time and your pdf e-Book will be created.The screenshot is shown below:

More customization 300x155 Create an e Book of your Blog Posts for Offline Reading  

Your e-Book has been created.You would be able to see its preview on screen like shown below.You can save it for later use or at the same time, you can download it as well.Just see the below given image of the same:

Blog Post to e Book1 Create an e Book of your Blog Posts for Offline Reading  

enjoy creating an e-book of your Blog posts for free.
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